How can I cancel my Mindful Slumber Plus subscription?
We understand that subscriptions don’t always fit everyone’s needs. Here’s a guide on how to cancel your Mindful Slumber Plus subscription, the process will vary depending on how you originally subscribed:
Cancelling on your iOS device:
If you subscribed through the Apple App Store, you’ll need to cancel your subscription directly on your iOS device.
- Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap on your Apple ID.
- Select “Subscriptions”. You might need to tap “Sign In” first if you’re not already signed into your Apple ID.
- Find the “Mindful Slumber” subscription in the list.
- Tap on the subscription.
- Tap on “Cancel Subscription”.
Cancelling on the web:
If you subscribed through our website, you can cancel your subscription through your account settings.
- Sign in to your account
- Follow the options to ‘Cancel plan’
Alternative Option:
If you’d like to keep your Mindful Slumber Plus subscription but want to update your billing details instead of cancelling completely. Follow the steps in our support article “How can I update the billing details for my Mindful Slumber Plus subscription?" for instructions.
Important Notes:
- Cancelling your subscription will stop your Mindful Slumber Plus benefits after the current billing period ends. You’ll still have access to the Plus features until then.
- To avoid being charged for the next billing cycle, be sure to cancel at least 24 hours before your subscription renews.